New Episodes Drop 6am EST Monday/Thursday
Our Philosophy
There is no day trading course on planet Earth that is worth the money. There. We said it.
Jordan and Levi are brothers with backgrounds in engineering and medicine, who bring a unique view to the trading world:
Profitability is not strategy-based. There’s a million ways to make money
Candlestick patterns, indicators, etc. are not predictive. They are the equivalent of flipping a coin.
Success can’t be boiled down to a list of concrete rules. If it was as easy as A + B = “Take Trade”, everyone would be millionaires.
Success is based on training your brain to recognize the flow, and developing a “feel” for the market. Unfortunately, that’s an idea that’s much harder to sell than “Buy my course, do what I say, and I’ll make you profitable within a month.”
That’s why we started Anarchy Trading and the podcast. We want to help you develop that feel for yourself, and help guide you as you put in the extraordinary amounts of time that it will take to be successful.
It’s not going to be easy. But did you expect it to be?
Are you ready? Good. Let’s go.